Allaire State Park Engagement: Dave and Katie

That weekend was filled with rain- so when Katie told me her and Dave were okay with rain during their engagement session, it was a relief! We tried to work around the forecast, but it pretty much rained their entire session- just enough rain where you need an umbrella. I'm so glad they were into it! Not only were they happy the entire time, but so was their adorable pup, Zoey. We explored Allaire State Park and found some really great locations. One thing I love about their session was the reoccurring theme of Dave making Katie laugh- non-stop! Dave's got plenty of jokes and Katie loves them all- I love this about them! I can only imagine how many genuine smiles I'm going to capture on their wedding day.


Medford Lakes, NJ Engagement: Katie and Joe


Collingswood Grand Ballroom Wedding: Meg + Eric