4 Must Do Tips to Photograph Your Home to Get It Sold ASAP
A few years ago, we decided to put our house up for sale. We had moved into that home just before I gave birth to my daughter, and it’s where I brought both of my babies home from the hospital and where they had spent their time as babies, so it was not easy to talk me into moving. We bought our house as a fixer upper and it needed a lot of love. It seemed we had just fixed it to how we loved it. Then… we got the moving bug. In the winter, we would bundle the kids up after lunch and load them into the car and tell them we were going to grab a cup of coffee from Wawa (which was true), but we also knew the kids would fall asleep in the car and we could have some much needed quiet time while we explored nearby areas.
We drove through a dreamy neighborhood about 20 minutes away from our home, more rural and a little bit “in the sticks,” aka not five minutes away from Target and Wegmans. The houses were adorable (think Gilmore Girls), they looked like a retro neighborhood that you dream about when times were simpler- detached garages, candles in the windows, several playgrounds, and walkable to Main Street… but newer. We decided we definitely could see ourselves raising our kids there. Once we decided that we would love to live there, we stalked Zillow, but houses rarely went on the market in the small community, and we didn’t want to put our house on the market until we knew we could get a house there. Finally over July 4th weekend, a house went up for sale, which we immediately saw in person and put in an offer. On our anniversary, July 16th, we officially put our house up for sale, and just two weeks later, we had a full price offer, which we sold by owner.
Now, here’s four MUST DO tips to photograph and stage your home for sale, quickly!
1- Declutter and depersonalize.
This is an obvious one, right? It’s SO important. Take down pretty much any photo with humans that you know and replace it with generic art prints. I even replaced framed photos with prints from magazines. You don’t want potential buyers focused on your photos and not your home. Also, clean out your rooms so they have WAY less belongings (especially toys)- think barely lived in. Start the packing early, and put toys, and things you won’t need in the immediate future in boxes and put them in the garage. I found that buyers are forgiving of excessive boxes in the garage, instead of clutter throughout the house. Do this before you ever pick up a camera.
2- Once you’re ready to stage, add plants, and intentional pops of color.
After I decluttered my kitchen, I added pops of yellow- the bananas, sunflowers, and lemons. I also added potted plants on the windowsill. On the front porch, the hanging ferns and potted plant help give it some character and make it feel homey.
3- Shoot different angles, and be sure to show where the rooms lead.
We’ve all looked at a house on Zillow and tried to figure out the layout of the house. I tried to be intentional while photographing my own house, to show there was an en suite bathroom in the master, or to show the order of rooms in the main living space.
4- Focus on the features that you love, chances are buyers might love them too!
We completely overhauled our hallway bathroom, and I was so in love with everything we had chose for it- the vanity, the mirror, the black and white tile, and the little cubby in the shower for shampoo. I tried to showcase those details in photographs. I also loved that we had just put up a tire swing in the yard- and thought this added to the homey factor of our home.
These photos also are fun to look at when I’m feeling nostalgic. Good luck!
Quarantined Photographer: B + K Tie the Knot!
I haven’t shot a wedding since March 7th. Last week, a friend of mine sent me a photo of a Barbie photo shoot by a photographer she saw on Facebook and told me I should do this. Being a photographer in so many photography groups- this type of shoot is nothing new, but then I thought about a quote that I read recently in an overdue library book sitting on my nightstand. In the book, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, she says, “It might have been done before, but it hasn’t been done by you!” Being that we were on ‘spring break’ and I was fresh out of crafts, recipes and just any fun ideas in general, I asked my six-year-old daughter if she wanted to do a Barbie wedding photoshoot and she was so much more excited than I thought she would be. I made sure let her have a say in every shot, resist fixing every last thing- like how I wanted to use my vintage 80’s bridal Barbie because she already had a ring and earrings. My daughter let me know that we could use the wedding dress, but not my old Barbie, and that we would hot glue a gem on her hand as a wedding ring. Or how I asked her to write “Just Married” on a sheet of paper and she misspelled it “Just Meread.” Those touches made it so much better than every perfectly placed detail. I knew she was all in when she told me she didn’t want to stop for a lunch break. By the afternoon we had completed our shoot which we couldn’t be happier with. We shared it on Facebook and within two days, it’s been shared over 100 times and the post has reached 17.9K people (according to Facebook). Many commented on how it made their day or made them smile and that makes me so happy! I decided to share it here- I hope it brings you a smile too or makes you forget about our crazy, current situation for just a moment (sorta like when you watch the first episode of Tiger King).
Update: Our photoshoot has been featured on NJ.com with over 61K views!
Nothing can stop their love. Not time. Not a virus.
B didn't skimp on details. She wore gorgeous plastic shoes, a floral diamond ring, and a cute blue comb (her something blue). B + K wrote their own vows (I love when couples do this!). B's read "That's my favorite boy." K's read "There's my favorite girl." It's like they were #meanttobetogether
B relaxed in a bubble bath before the hectic day began.
K and his best man, got ready, but decided to keep the attire very casual. B was slightly upset by this.
B decided to wear her mother's vintage wedding dress from the 80's. How special!
B and her mother shared a special moment together as her mother gave her wedding advice.
B + K didn't want to see each other before the ceremony, but they did want to share a special moment together. K really, really wanted to peek, but B persuaded him not to.
B is such a stunning bride!
B wanted to get extra fancy and pose looking out the window showing off her gorgeous gown. Well done, B.
Timeless beauty!
B + K exchanged vows right in their living room under twinkle lights.
B + K did a fun laying down pose, in which the creative director said, "Wait, do brides and grooms really do that?!" They also visited their local farm to get some photos with the animals.
The way he looks at her #swoon
"Just Meread" Let their happily ever after begin!
These few last shots were posed and taken by my daughter to show what life looks like after they got married. :)
Super Bowl Sunday: Philadelphia Love
I'll admit, I'm not a huge football fan, but you know what I am a fan of? The community sharing in something special. It's been so much fun to watch my daughters' preschool chanting for the Eagles, to hear the Eagles' Victory Song being played on the organ at church, and getting ready to gather with family for good food and good times. So here's the best tribute I've got- Go Eagles!
ALL photos below were taken in Philadelphia OR with Philadelphia in view! What's your favorite place to visit in Philadelphia?
Are you getting married in Philadelphia and looking for a wedding photographer to capture it all? Email me at diana@styledpink.com!
My Life: A Photographer in Front of the Camera
At least once a year, I force myself (and my family) in front of a camera for our Christmas card photograph. It was especially important this year because of the sweet baby bump I'm rockin.' Oh, and it's so true, your second pregnancy is completely different from your first- so much less documenting, and so much less sleep!
I started the day by having my makeup professionally done by one of my favorite makeup artists- Christine Swope, I recommend her to EVERYONE- she's so talented. I really do believe that having your makeup done for any photo shoot will give you the confidence you need, and makeup artists have such a remarkable talent to bring out each person's natural beauty- it stands out in photos! I'm so glad I did it.
A fellow photographer and good friend, Danielle of DMotti Photography, captured my family in such a beautiful way. She has a great eye and captures light like nobody's business! Sometimes it can be hard to take the backseat and let someone else pick all of the locations and poses, and I'm so glad I didn't open my mouth- I wouldn't change a thing about how Danielle captured everything! I'm forever grateful for these photos!
Makeup: Christine Swope of Strong Beauty
Photography: DMotti Photography
My Life: Mom of a Robot on Halloween
My daughter is a toddler. Anyone who knows a toddler knows they can be highly opinionated and not easily coaxed into things (most times). I knew I wanted to handcraft a Halloween costume for her, and I wanted her to have some input, but of course, I wanted the final say. In the beginning of October, she wanted to be a bumble bee, and as the month went on, a dragon, a dinosaur, a "pumpkin face," aka jack-o-lantern, and lastly, a robot. Her desire to be a robot did not waver as I tried talking her into being a pumpkin face again (that costume looked much easier to make, and I wouldn't have to worry about her falling while trick-or-treating with a box around her). Well, she won, and a robot she was :)
The details- humor me
Medium Moving Box: Home Depot
Tulle skirt/Paint/Wooden Hearts: Handmade by me, tulle from JoAnn Fabric
Silver Bracelets: Dryer vent hose from Home Depot
Reconstructed Antenna: A red headband with hearts, wrapped in hot pink Duck Tape and tulle from JoAnn Fabric
Silver Shoes: Carter's
I hope one day she looks back at these photos and gives me some major mommy credit, until then, I can imagine myself sitting at the kitchen table at midnight, painting Styrofoam balls as planets, because let's be real- we'll do anything for our babes!
Official Business! A Styled Pink Announcement
In just a few days, Styled Pink will officially turn two years old! I'm so excited and this couldn't have been a better time for my official announcement... (no, there's not a sibling on the way for Celeste!)
I will be working exclusively, 100% for Styled Pink! That's right, my day job... buh bye! Over the past (almost year) I've been on maternity leave and Mike and I have been planning and testing the waters to see if we could officially take the plunge, and I'm so happy to announce, that yes, we can! Business has been great and it's time to take this part-time business into full swing! I'm so excited that I can spend 100% of my work time shooting, editing, designing albums, and keeping my clients happy and doing what I truly LOVE!
When I'm not busy (aka browsing the Internet in bed), I'm looking for new poses, new places to shoot, checking out wedding gowns- this is how I know I'm making the right choice. It's what I love to do. It's my passion. Now I'm lucky enough to do it- all. the. time.
A huge thank you to my husband, Mike, who encourages me to dream- he is amazing and proof that marriage is the best thing ever! Thank you to my clients- past, present, and future- I couldn't have done it without you! I am so appreciative of your support, referrals, and trust!
Cheers to a new chapter in this fabulous journey!
Creating a Nursery
It's been a little over a month since our baby girl made her debut into the world. It's funny because the evening I completed the finishing touches of her nursery, and photographing it- I went into labor. She's a smart girl- she wanted to make sure her room was perfect, and I thank her for that! I was so afraid it wouldn't get done on time considering we had just moved into our house not a month prior! I'm thrilled with the way her nursery came out- I have to thank Pinterest for the countless/sleepless nights I spent looking for inspiration. One of my favorite things about the nursery is the gorgeous artwork from my friends and family. It really makes Baby C's nursery feel like it was made just for her!
Lamb Rocker- Pottery Barn White Crib- Pottery Barn Star Mobile- Pottery Barn My First Chair- Pottery Barn Dresser- Ikea