Quarantined Photographer: B + K Tie the Knot!
I haven’t shot a wedding since March 7th. Last week, a friend of mine sent me a photo of a Barbie photo shoot by a photographer she saw on Facebook and told me I should do this. Being a photographer in so many photography groups- this type of shoot is nothing new, but then I thought about a quote that I read recently in an overdue library book sitting on my nightstand. In the book, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, she says, “It might have been done before, but it hasn’t been done by you!” Being that we were on ‘spring break’ and I was fresh out of crafts, recipes and just any fun ideas in general, I asked my six-year-old daughter if she wanted to do a Barbie wedding photoshoot and she was so much more excited than I thought she would be. I made sure let her have a say in every shot, resist fixing every last thing- like how I wanted to use my vintage 80’s bridal Barbie because she already had a ring and earrings. My daughter let me know that we could use the wedding dress, but not my old Barbie, and that we would hot glue a gem on her hand as a wedding ring. Or how I asked her to write “Just Married” on a sheet of paper and she misspelled it “Just Meread.” Those touches made it so much better than every perfectly placed detail. I knew she was all in when she told me she didn’t want to stop for a lunch break. By the afternoon we had completed our shoot which we couldn’t be happier with. We shared it on Facebook and within two days, it’s been shared over 100 times and the post has reached 17.9K people (according to Facebook). Many commented on how it made their day or made them smile and that makes me so happy! I decided to share it here- I hope it brings you a smile too or makes you forget about our crazy, current situation for just a moment (sorta like when you watch the first episode of Tiger King).
Update: Our photoshoot has been featured on with over 61K views!